
ASPA Brisbane Live Debate
Tue 30 Jul 2019 18:00 — 19:45

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

It's finally here! Registrations are now open for the second Brisbane ASPA event!

We're thrilled by the overwhelmingly positive response from the industry already. Your participation in, and feedback after, our first event has paved the way for a live debate.

The Topic:

Should Sporting Organisations hire from outside of the Sporting Industry?

The Format:

  • Two industry professionals going head to head
  • 3x3 minute rounds
  • YOU (the audience) will vote on the winner
  • Drinks and canapes provided

The Cost:

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This is a FREE event for anyone who works or volunteers in the Australian Sporting Industry. 

Make sure you don't miss this memorable event by registering and saving the date!